Using, the winner is... Julia!
You have an email waiting for you and 48 hours to confirm.
(Bryan, NO FAIR complaining that you didn't win. I don't want to hear it!)

The one detail I left out of this giveaway was that Green Nest sent me all the products. Oops on their part. Now I get to fork over the lovely shipping costs! So winner, you might get a lovely hand-turkey or some other crap from me, since I get to be the one to box it up.
Stay tuned for the next Giveaway from Simple Green Naturals: 7 bottles of cleaner valued around $35! (Because a clean bride is a happy bride)
And remember to access as many computers as possible to vote for me to win Blog Guru from Wedzilla! Simply find my icon for Crowning Victoria and click on the arrow next to it! That's it!
(Two easy clicks = one vote for Vicki!)
In wedding-planning-related-news, because I'm crazy and trying to accomplish as much as possible in the summer before I go back into the classroom, we met with our first wedding photographer yesterday.
And I'm in love.
And of course she's slightly over budget for the time-line we want.
She had me at "I love my photos overexposed one-third stop."
Good thing we have PLENTLY of time to wash cars and shovel snow for extra moolah.
I'm not above that.
So internet friends, please send me your cars to wash. I'll return them squeeky clean.
Congrats to the winner! I think its super smart of you to try and get as much wedding planning done now. Share some pics from the photog :)