Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's my SITS Day!

Hello everyone! Today is a very exciting day in my world: 
My featured SITS day! 

Real quick, for those of you who don't know, SITS (The Secret's in the Sauce) is "a group of over 7,000 women bloggers dedicated to supporting each other by leaving comments. Lots and lots of comments."  It's a great network and how I met many bloggy-friends.
And today is MY day - the day when my blog is featured! Yippee!

I'm a (late) twenty-something bride-to-be who started this here blog to keep family in the loop of wedding planning.  Then one thing led to another, and as my fiancee Mike would say, blogging took over.   It's a fun way to document the ups-and-downs of wedding planning.   It also helps me to share little bits of advice with other brides-to-be.  (Plus, it's just fun to see what we have in store for our big day!)

See? That's us! (and of course, me)
Mike does all sorts of sweet things for me.  I have to admit I'm pretty lucky.  But if you read nothing else, you MUST check out his proposal, or go watch the actual video footage from the Washington Post. (We come in past the panda-craziness at the 1.15 min mark)

Please feel free to snoop around and see what we have planned so far!  I'm honestly starting to get a little nervous about 2011 on the horizon! While you're at it, get a glass of wine (or Bailey's spiked coffee or tea, however you like it) and get cozy.  Stay for awhile. 
If you like what you see, follow me on Twitter or even subscribe to my feed.
The big day is June 19, 2011!

(sidenote: we obviously need to change up our photo-taking stance.  I'm always on the right!)


  1. Oh my! Am I the 1st person to comment on your SITS day?? HOORAY! Enjoy all the visits you have coming your way. This is a great post to welcome everyone :)

  2. Congratulations on your special SITS day. I hope it is everything you ever wished for.

    Best wishes with the wedding.

  3. Congrats on your SITS Day--and on your upcoming wedding!

  4. Happy SITS Day! It's so fun to poke around and see all your plans. I had a blast (for the most part) planning my wedding and this brings back so many memories. Congrats!

  5. YAY!!! I'm so glad it's your SITS day! I love it when the Featured Blogger is someone I already read! Enjoy your day!!

  6. Happy SITS Day!! I hope you enjoy the day!! What a fun blog ... you will treasure the documentation of your wedding for years to come. Be sure you have it all backed up just in case!

  7. Congratulations on your SITS day!

  8. good luck planning your wedding...
    I got way to stressed out and I'm pretty sure my family hated me by the actual day, but what are you going to do? It's been 7 years now and everyone is still talking to me, so no permanant harm done...haha
    congrats on your day!

  9. Happy SITS day! Good luck with all of the planning.

  10. Congrats on your very own SITS Day and on your upcoming nuptials!

    Don't worry about feeling a little nervous, its totally normal and the best way to relieve it is to talk with your fiance about it and get things out in the open.

  11. Congrats on your SITS day! You picked a perfect day for a wedding, my husband's birthday is June 19th as well! Enjoy the fun of wedding planning, it's such an amazing and special time!

    Have a wonderful Christmas holiday!

  12. Happy SITS day! Congrats on your engagement.

  13. Have a great SITS day and good luck with your impending nuptial planning!!

  14. Happy SITS day!! Planning a wedding is so much fun!! Of course being married is wonderful too! Congratulations - the proposal video was SO COOL!!

  15. Happy SITS day! It sounds like you have a lot on your plate, but it's going to be a beautiful wedding! Everyone gets nervous...just don't freak out! lol

  16. Happy SITS day and congratulations on your engagement! Planning can be wonderful (and terrible) but at the end of the day, what's most important is what happens AFTER the wedding day. But, why not have a fabulous day before you get to that ever after, right? :) I do plan weddings and events so stop by if you ever need yet another ear to bounce things off of.

  17. Congrats on your SITS day and upcoming nuptials! I actually read your proposal story before getting to your actual SITS day post. =) Very cool. I also liked your birthday card from your fiance. Have a great day!

  18. Happy SITS day. I loved seeing your proposal on video. What a special keepsake!

  19. Congratulations on your SITs feature! I hope you enjoy your day in the sun:-)

  20. Congrats on your SITS day! Such a sweet blog you have :)

  21. Happy SITS day! I got married a little over 2 years ago and I remember how obsessed I was with planning. It was all worth it too! Have the best time with your finishing touches. July will be here before you know it!

  22. Congratulations on your engagement, your lovely blog, and your SITS day! I'll take the wine. :-)

  23. Hey doll! It's been a while. I'm glad to see you're doing great, and congratulations on your SITS day -- second only to the big day, huh?

  24. Happy Happy Happy SITS Day!!! Congrats on your engagement & I hope everything on the big day turns out wonderfully!! I can't wait to see where your blogging takes you after the wedding is over too! :) Merry Christmas!

  25. OH! Happy SITS Day! I feel so in the know since I've been following for a while - now I can be one of those people that comment on the SITS blog and say - I already love her. I'm always so envious of those people, so hip with the times!

  26. Congrats on your SITS day! I'm getting married next year too and it's so much fun to read how other brides-to-be are planning their wedding. Good luck to ya!

  27. Congrats on your SITS day. I don't have time to browse around now but I'm going to follow and get caught up over the holidays. Merry Christmas :)

  28. Happy Sits Day. I see in your about me page you do yoga and teach grade 2. Do you ever combing the two? I'll search yoga and kids on your site and see what I find. I'm into both as well so nice to find you.

  29. Congrats on your SITS day! Your blog is so cute! :)

  30. Congrats on your SITS day! Lovely photos!

  31. Happy SITS Day! You're blog is great, and I look forward to visiting again!

  32. Congrats on your SITS Day and your engagement! Just so you are aware, I got a 404 error when I tried to access your site from SITS and I had to search it on blogger. Have a Merry Christmas!

  33. Congratulations on your SITS day. and on planning your wedding.

    Loved the post about your dad. How wonderful that you share such a special connection.

  34. Happy SITS day! Hope your wedding planning is sailing along smoothly!

  35. Good luck with the wedding planning!! Love the photos!! Happy SITS day!!

  36. Happy SITS day! I love your blog name. It's funny how blogging can take on a life of it's own. Mine started to just post pictures of my kids and now it's got a life of its own.

    I think blogging is a fabulous way to document wedding planning. So much better than the notebook I used to document mine. Good luck on the rest of your plans!

  37. Happy SITS day and good luck with the rest of your wedding planning!

  38. Happy SITS day! And happy Wedding Planning! So excited to follow your adventure! I found you via SITS, as many do, I'm sure! Great blog. LOVE the colors & your positive attitude! Congrats & good luck!

  39. Happy SITS DAY!
    and happy Wedding Planning. It's so exciting!
    Your blog is super awesome. Lovely photos too!

    Merry Christmas!
    B x

  40. Happy SITS day! It's so great you will be able to remember this time. I was engaged less than 90 days and it is all a blur to me almost 8 years later.

  41. Merry SITS Day! Love the blog name and header.

  42. Happy SITS Day! I love the look of your blog/header! Very fanc! Enjoy your day and have a wonderful Christmas!

  43. Congrats on your pending marriage & on your SITS day!

  44. oh what a sweet proposal that was! saw the video.. so cute. =D

  45. Yay, Victoria! Congrats on your SITS Day! The pics of you two are so cute. Hope you enjoyed your day. :)


  46. Congrats on your SITS day! Love the name of your blog! Enjoy all the wedding planning - why not?! You have the energy and the time and you're only going to do it for yourself once so put every bit of effort into it you want. Love how you and your dad are in sync about the first dance. Good luck with all of it. Fast forward to my life - I'm planning my daughter's Bat Mitzvah (feels like a wedding) and celebrated my 20th wedding anniversary this past summer. It goes fast so enjoy it all!

  47. happy SITS! i love that pic of you two in the snow! may God bless you and your marriage now and always

  48. Hooray, hooray its your SITS day!! Congrats!!! And Merry Christmas Eve with a very hearty congratulations on your engagement!! :)

  49. What lovely photos!

    The two of you always look so amazingly happy!!

  50. Happy SITS day! Wedding planning is so much fun! I know it can be stressful as well. It's great that you're blogging about the experience, it'll be a lot of fun to look back on someday.

  51. Awwwwwwwww. What a beautiful love story! Congratulations on your SITS day. And even more importantly, congratulations on finding love. Love is amazing. Merry Christmas.

  52. I MISSED YOUR DAY! Oh my gosh. I feel so lame. I really don't have any excuse...except exhaustion. Hope it was amazing girly ;)

  53. Late happy SITS day! Good luck with the wedding. The day itself will go by SOOOOO FAST!

  54. Happy SITS Day!!! Hope all your wedding plans keep going smoothly. Looking forward to checking out more of your blog!

  55. Happy Belated SITS Day! Love your proposal story!

  56. i keep hearing about SITS and have been meaning to join but haven't yet!! what a fun network to be in!!! :) good luck with your wedding hun!! everything will be GREAT!!!!

  57. OMG! Happy SITS day!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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