Monday, June 14, 2010

New Do!

I did a little Spring, er, Summer Cleaning around my blog.  I tidied things up a bit by creating a navigation bar right up there, below my header.  It looks so much cleaner this way, without my sidebars so cluttered.  I feel mighty proud of myself for figuring out the HTML on that one! (Really, thanks goes out to the good ol' internet for providing me the resources. I just followed directions, successfully.)

AND, Mike and I are working on our "Wedsite."   You heard read correctly, a WEDsite is a wedding website.  Some couples prefer to create a highly-interactive site with lots of Flash and animation.  We used The Knot.  It's free! Ours is up and sorta-running (not all the pages are complete, yet).  You can get there by clicking on the tab in my new, fancy-pants navigation bar!  

 The "About Us" page challenges us.  Neither Mike nor I can decide what to write.  A friend suggested we write it for each other.  Then came the discussion of the presentation, or tone/voice of the writing.  Mike wants to do something funny, I prefer direct (which he calls "serious").  So we posted pictures of ourselves and wait for inspiration. 

Please check out our Wedsite and let me know what you think!
(i heart comments)Suggestions welcome for the About Us page!

Here's a vintage Mike & Vicki pic, circa 2006, just for funsies!


  1. Ah, I wish I'd had all these options when I was getting married! Over from SITS to say hey xx

  2. See, HTML isn't that hard, is it? :)

  3. I like the "funny" descriptions idea... sorry Vicki. :) Anyone that would read the "About Us" section should already know you enough to understand a little healthy exaggeration of your profile...and save the serious stuff for a resume or for the "About the Author" in your first book :)

  4. Hiya Vicki, your site looks bangin'. Love the peacock feathers and you are looks pretty clean. Nice job.
    Off to check out your wedsite:)

  5. Could you do a "He Said/She Said" version of you "About" page? That way he can be funny and you can be direct.

    Stopping by from SITS!

    Have a good rest of the school year...I'm trying to get back into the classroom after what turned out to be an 8-year long Maternity Leave! :)

  6. i love the peacock feathers :) what is up with the varying font size on the nav bar tho?

    I vote funny descripts! You're funny...i dunno if Mike is funny but u can make him sound funny, i know u can! :D

  7. Thanks, all!
    @colorMEcupcake: it's b/c they are images created in paint...working on that one!
    @SSSM - the He Said/ She Said is a great idea!
    @Christine: Thanks! Love YOUR blog too!
    @Tiffany - yeah, we want to be funny not serious!


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