Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Where to Start?

I honestly don't know where to begin.

These last 2 weeks picked me up, mixed in relatives, more family, friends, favorites, dancing, drinking, partying, flung me around DC and Jamaica with a variety of emotions, and then plopped me down promptly in a pile of laundry, boxes, and thank you notes.
And beyond that, I have a husband.
I'm a wife!

[cue cartoon sound effect of shaking your head back and forth: oye-oye-oye]

What just happened, now?

I feel thrilled. These whirl-wind days are amazing.
I can say, without a doubt, I am having the time of my life.
How often can you say that?
But it's deep-down true.
I am having so much fun, and it's all because of Mike.
It feels so good to say that.

To answer the number one question on many minds, Was it everything you hoped it to be?
The answer:  Capital Y, Yes.

Every little wedding detail fell into place.  It was beyond perfect.  Even the not-so-good things are mere memories I laugh at or say "whoops" and move on to the better things.
There are so many great memories from the days leading up, the rehearsal dinner, getting ready, and the big day itself. 
It was everything I wanted and then some.

Part of me can't believe it's over, but most of me can swallow that fact.
We put so much work and effort into making that day happen, that it went off swimmingly.  It was gorgeous; I felt gorgeous.  Mike was handsome as ever and the bridesmaids and groomsmen were amazing.
I think I even managed not to be too much of a Bridezilla.  I think.

I don't know which post will come next, or with what frequency.
I desperately want to stay up days in a row and get all these thoughts tumbling around in my head onto this screen. 
And I desperately want to enjoy every moment with my *husband.*  (<--- that's still fun to say!)
I'm enjoying my summer off as a teacher, and as a wife.

But I will promise you pictures, soon!

Just know that Vic has been Crown'd.
And with a smile, to boot.


  1. You guys look gorgeous! I'm so glad it was everything you dreamed of!

  2. I'm so glad it was such a success!! You two look adorable :)

  3. So so exciting! MRS Vic! Can't wait to hear all about it! YOU. LOOKED. GORGEOUS. Congrats over and over!!!

  4. You lucky, lucky girl. Congrats :-)

  5. congratulations you look beautiful!


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